Brochure From Previous Work - THE AMERICAN DREAM FAIR: Outreach for Homebuyer Program and Homeowner Housing Development

The brochure sampled above was used as part of the marketing materials for the 1st Annual American Dream Fair to promote home ownership, the programs offered to assist prospective low and moderate income buyers.  The combined net proceeds of the sponsorships (table rentals, logo on promotional ads) and the Robert Wilson Walk for The American Dream was slightly over $27,000. These funds helped capitalize the Robert Wilson Housing Head Start Fund.  The fund allowed items such as washers, dryers and refrigerators to be purchased for the home ownership program ("KEY") participants when they graduated and purchased their new home.  This is aside from the down payment assistance provided to the buyers.  

The event (marketing outreach) solidified public/private partnerships, dramatically increased understanding and trust among the various public and private providers and educated the entire community of the value of home ownership and community development in general.  The event continued to be vital and only increased support from all sectors of the community and, most importantly, recruited participants from the neighborhoods served as well as others qualified and desiring to live within the City of Greenville.     

-an example of the kind of outreach, marketing and development   DGray ADVANTAGE Consulting is offering

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